Traffic Travis

How Would You Like to Have an Extra
19,277 Unique Visitors to
Your Website Every Day of The Year?

Using Traffic Travis, optimizing your website for the search engines is an easy 5-step process:

Step 1: Identify which search terms are most popular

* Are you barking up the wrong tree? You might be ranking highly on a particular search term, but if nobody is searching on that term then you still won't be seeing any traffic! Traffic Travis can tell you which terms are most highly searched for and can recommend others you might try.

Step 2: Find your most successful competitors, and see what they're doing right

* Learn from the success of others. Traffic Travis can scoop the dirt on sites with high search-engine rankings so you can adopt their techniques and match their success!

Step 3: Optimize your site for keyword density, frequency and position.

* After analyzing your own site and those of your competitors', you'll have a very good idea of the changes you need to make. Focus your text and optimize your HTML using these clues, and you'll be well on your way!

Step 4: Build relationships with other sites — Find the best people to link to

* Who is linking to who? Which link partnerships are worth pursuing? (HINT: They're probably not the ones you think!) Traffic Travis allows you to read between the lines and reap the highest rewards possible from link trading.
* All the necessary information about potential link partners displayed in one window... complete with email address. All the tedium taken out of scooping out other websites!
* Are you still being linked to? Forget wading through a fifty-page website to find out. You've got better things to do with your time! Traffic Travis can tell you if your reciprocal linking partners have stopped linking to you, so you can remove your link to them. This can instantly increase your search engine rankings!

Step 5: Monitor your status in the search engines

* Traffic Travis will keep track of how your site is doing in all major search engines. Forget the old process of entering a search term into one engine and then trawling through pages of results looking for your site — Traffic Travis will scan all the major search engines and display the results for you at the click of a button.


Traffic Travis is
Search Engine Optimization Made Easy!

Keyword Finder

* Discover the search terms that will deliver you the most traffic. Tells you how many searches are made on your chosen search term, and automatically finds related terms, so you can focus your efforts more effectively.

* Export your search term results then sort them in the keyword sorter tool.

Search Engine Positions

* See how your sites are ranking on various key words at the click of a button — no more scrolling and searching through multiple search engines.

* Find the top ten sites for search terms for Google, Alta vista, MSN and Yahoo. Display them all, their Google PR and their Alexa ranking in one screen.

* Find which pages of your site have been indexed by the search engines. Also displays Google PR and Alexa ranking so you can see which of your pages are strongest.

* Simply right clicking allows you to use other Traffic Travis tools on a selected result, so you can dig a selected site for more information.


Analyze Page

Enter a URL and Traffic Travis will provide all the important information about the page, including meta details, Google PR, Alexa TR and email addresses.

Analyze word totals. Traffic Travis will count the occurrence of words on a page, so you can see how often keywords are used in titles, meta data, alt text, anchor text, headers and body text. This tool also shows each word as a percentage of the entire text. (Keyword density)

Analyze links including anchor text, whether link is internal or external, and (if external) the domain the link is going to and that domain's pagerank.

Analyze images including image address, alt text, location of the image (internal or external).